The Nevada 4-H Evaluation and Assessment Working Group administered an annual survey to Nevada 4-H members to assess the impact of 4-H on statewide participants. This fact sheet presents the results of the 2021 statewide survey and helps to demonstrate the general value of 4-H in quantifiable measures (Goodwin, 2007).


A working group using the Common Measures framework developed two surveys in 2018, a short version for youth in grades four through seven and an extended version for grades eight through 12. The Nevada 4-H Annual Survey uses two scales from the 4-H Common Measures 2.0, the 4-H Experience and Universal scales, including nine demographic items (National 4-H Council, 2017). The two frames of the statewide survey reported here included 15 4-H Experience items, and the instrument for older youth asked an additional 15 Universal items. Additional items included asking youth in which Nevada county they participated in 4-H and asking older youth about their plans after high school. The survey for younger youth consisted of 28 items, and the survey for older youth contained 53 items.

The 4-H Experience and Universal items were measured using a four-point Likert scale (4 = yes, 3 = usually, 2 = not really, 1 = no). Fifteen items in the survey formed the 4-H Experience scale, designed to measure participants on the eight essential elements of positive youth development (Kress, 2004). This scale had an excellent reliability score of .83, indicating that all scale items align with the essential elements. The 19 items that comprised the 4-H Universal scale measure the personal growth mindset and social skills necessary to be competent members of society (National 4-H Council, 2017). The 4-H Universal scale items were only given to youth in eighth through 12th grades. Youth completed surveys both online via Qualtrics and in person through paper copies.

Discussion/Next Steps

Overall results from the 4-H Experience (Mean = 3.53) and Universal (Mean = 3.55) scales, both on a 1-to-4 scale, reveal that youth engaged with the Nevada 4-H Program are reporting high levels of positive engagement and skill development throughout their participation in 4-H. Youth participating in Nevada 4-H indicate that they are developing character, growth mindset, persistence, decision-making, and ethics skills, all of which are important for academic and workplace success. These findings also confirm that Nevada 4-H participants can grow positive relationships with caring adults in a safe, inclusive, and engaging environment. Creating positive relationships with caring adults and thriving in supportive environments can be a buffer to stress and trauma youth may be experiencing (Ludy-Dobson & Perry, 2010). 4-H has the unique opportunity to continue to champion and facilitate positive youth development opportunities that promote youth well-being and a sense of purpose and identity during and after the pandemic (Arnold & Rennekamp, 2021).

For the complete report, use the link below to download the PDF version.

Baker-Tingey, J., Luckey, B., Evans, B., Stark, C., Chvilicek, S., Luna, N., Chichester, L., Maio, H. 2023, 2021 Nevada 4-H Annual Survey Summary Report, FS-23-27, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-23-27

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