Kenny Haack-Damon

Photo of Kenny Haack-Damon, Extension

Kenny Haack-Damon

4-H Camp Educational Program Coordinator


B.S. Wildlife Management, University of New Hampshire, 2005
M.S. Experiential Education, Minnesota State University, Mankato, 2015


4-H AmeriCorps member holding a box of food to hand out.

4-H AmeriCorps Camping and Outdoor Education

The Nevada System of Higher Education Board of Regents and the Nevada 4-H Youth Development Program have AmeriCorps members working to improve academic engagement and social emotional skills in youth in Nevada.

Building rockets from straws in a great lesson in propulsion.

4-H Youth Development

4-H is a community of young people across America learning leadership, citizenship and life skills.

News & Journal Articles, Fact Sheets, Reports...

Blog Posts
What is a 4-H Club?
4-H programs actively involve youth in quality experiences that focus on lifelong learning of values and skills. 4-H clubs encourage youth, ages 5 to 19, to learn by doing. There are a variety of 4-H clubs and groups that young people can join.
Stark, C. 2019, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno
What is Collegiate 4-H?
Collegiate 4-H has existed since 1916. Its major purpose is leadership and service to others. Members come from diverse backgrounds and academic departments.
Stark, C. 2019, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno
What is the Cloverbud Program?
Youth who are 5 to 8 as of January 1st of the current 4-H Year (Oct 1 to Sept 30) may join the 4-H Cloverbud Program, which has age appropriate activities and allows for creativity and encourages play.
Stark, C. 2019, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno
4-H Shooting Sports T-Shirt Design Contest
Show off your creativity by entering the Nevada 4-H Shooting Sports T-Shirt Design Contest! Submit your design for the new 4-H Shooting Sports t-shirt!
Williams, Kristina 2025, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
2022 4-H Health 4 Happiness Summer Camp registration Packet
This packet includes a registration form, media release, assumption of risk, conduct policy, and health and medical form.
Haack-Damon, K. 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Forms
Informational Publications
Nevada State 4-H Camp, Long-Term Recovery Reopening Policies and Procedures
Nevada State 4-H Camp, Long-Term Recovery ReOpening for outside user groups
Haack-Damon, K 2020, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno