Teresa Byington

Photo of Teresa Byington, Extension

Teresa Byington

Professor, State Specialist


Workforce Preparedness for Early Childhood Professionals Training Classes (online, virtual and in-person, Child Development Associate (CDA) educational coursework, QRIS (Quality Rating Improvement System) Environmental Rating Scale assessors and Internal QRIS Coaching Academy, Leadership Community of Practice, Early Childhood Trainer Professional Learning Community, Adult Learning Academy for new trainers in collaboration with the Nevada Registry, Nevada READY! Professional Development Program for Pre-K teachers and directors, and Reflective Strengths-based Coaching.    


B.S. Brigham Young University, 1983
M.S. Utah State University, 18987
Ph.D. University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2013


coloring book

Early Childhood Workforce Online Courses

Online courses in early childhood education provide individuals with the opportunity to gain knowledge, skills, and credentials necessary to work effectively with young children in various educational settings. These courses are designed to accommodate the needs of students who may have personal or professional obligations that prevent them from attending traditional in-person classes.

News & Journal Articles, Fact Sheets, Reports...

Curriculum Materials
Teacher and family connections curriculum: A supplement to the All 4 Kids: Healthy, Happy, Active, Fit obesity prevention program. Sigman-Grant, M, Van Brackel, A., Byington, T. and Lindsay, A. 2013, UNCE Publication CM-13-01
Fact Sheets
running obstacles
Cardio Endurance | Heart Smart
Cardio- Respiratory, or “Cardio” Endurance is an important element to children’s physical fitness.
Lindsay, A. and Byington, T. 2020, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-20-14
school kids running to class
Engagement Strategies That Promote Physical Activity
Using positive engagement strategies in fun, playful social settings are key to promoting physical activity.
Lindsay, A. and Byington, T. 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-20-22
kids on playground
Flexibility | Reach for the Stars!
Flexibility is an important part of a child’s fitness and includes movements like bending, twisting and stretching.
Lindsay, A. and Byington, T. 2020, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-20-15
balance exercises
Fundamental Movement Skills | Active Kids Are Active Adolescents
For many children sports and physical activity aren’t natural, aren’t easy and it may not be fun!
Lindsay, A. and Byington, T. 2020, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-20-12
kids muscles
Muscle and Bone Strength | Muscles in Motion
Did you know that people who are more physically active generally use more energy even at rest than those who are not as physically active?
Lindsay, A. and Byington, T. 2020, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-20-17
Perceptual Motor Development | Connecting the Brain & the Body
Perceptual motor development connects a child’s perceptual or sensory skills (his brain) to his motor skills (his body) so they can perform a variety of movements and confidently interact with their environment.
Lindsay, A. and Byington, T. 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-20-18
brain scan
Physical Activity Improves Brain and Cognitive Functions
Children who are more physically active perform better academically and have better memory and attention.
Lindsay, A. and Byington, T. 2020, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-20-23
family image
Physical Activity, How Much Is Enough? | Active Kids Are Healthy Kids
Just for Preschoolers and Their Families
Lindsay, A. and Byington, T. 2020, Extension,| University of Nevada, Reno, FS-20-19
toddlers with tablet
Screen Time | Make Time to Unplug
Increased time in front of a screen means less time being physically active, contributing to higher weight and BMI, increased caloric intake & unhealthy food choices.
Lindsay, A. and Byington, T. 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-20-21
child readin
Sedentary Behavior | Don't Just Sit, and Sit, and Sit!
Being sedentary can result in more sitting and less time spent being physically active which can lead to obesity and greater risk for having diabetes and other chronic health problems as an adult.
Lindsay, A. and Byington, T. 2020, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-20-20
climbing the ropes
The Elements of Fitness | Fit Kids Are Healthy Kids
Children should engage in indoor and outdoor active play in their pre-school and at home.
Lindsay, A. and Byington, T. 2020, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-20-16
girl on scooter
What Is Physical Literacy? | Early Start, Active for Life
A young child who is physically literate is one who has the motivation confidence, knowledge, skills, and fitness necessary to enjoy a physically active lifestyle
Lindsay, A. and Byington, T. 2020, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-20-13
Engineering in the Preschool Classroom
Children are natural engineers. Adults can help develop children’s beginning engineering skills by giving them things to build with and to take apart, asking questions, and providing them with safe opportunities and places to test out their ideas. In this fact sheet we focus on the engineering-related skills of building and construction, and movement and force.
Weigel, D., Byington, T. and Kim, Y. 2019, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-19-04
baby with laptop
Science in the Preschool Classroom: Physical Science Byington, T., Kim, Y., and Weigel, D. 2017, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
Science in the Preschool Classroom: Earth Science Kim, Y., Weigel, D., and Byington, T. 2017, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
Science in the Preschool Classroom: The Living World - Animals and Plants
This fact sheet contains extensive information on how children can learn to be scientists at an early age by exploring different topics and ideas for the classroom.
Weigel, D., Byington, T., Kim, Y. 2017, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-17-09
Math in the Preschool Classroom Number Identification, Counting and One-to-one Correspondence, and Addition and Subtraction
In this fact sheet, we focus on the following number sense skills: number identification, counting and one-to-one correspondence, and addition and subtraction.
Byington, T., Kim, Y., and Weigel, D. 2016, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, FS-16-14
Math in the Preschool Classroom Spatial relations, Geometry and Measurement
In this fact sheet we focus on three fundamental math skills — spatial relations, geometry (shapes) and measurement.
Byington, T., Kim, Y., and Weigel, D. 2016, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, FS-16-13
Infant Language Development
From the moment babies are born, they are learning how to communicate. Babies first communicate by crying and then begin to coo and babble. Infants’ speech develops as they are exposed to sounds and language, spoken and unspoken. Gestures, facial expressions and sounds are all part of language development.
Byington, T. and Kim, Y. 2015, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, FS-15-06
learning to talk
Toddler Language Development
During the toddler years (12 to 35 months), children’s language development grows rapidly. Toddlers gain the ability to say words clearly, combine words into phrases, and express their needs and wants.
Byington, T. and Kim, Y. 2015, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, Fact Sheet-15-05
Emergent Writing
Children need to be encouraged to experiment with writing by having access to a variety of writing materials and tools. With experience, children become fluent and proficient at writing words and sentences using correct punctuation.
Byington, T., & Kim, Y. 2014, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-14-08
Building Vocabulary
A variety of techniques can be used to promote the development of language and literacy skills in young children. Building a child’s vocabulary is a great way for parents and teachers to nurture children’s oral language skills and influences a child’s ability to comprehend written words in the future.
Teresa Byington & YaeBin Kim 2014, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, Fact Sheet FS-14-07
Interactive and Dialogic Reading
A variety of techniques can be used to promote the development of language and literacy skills in young children. Reading books together is a great way to nurture children’s early reading skills. Select books that have content that is interesting to young children and is age-appropriate.
Byington, T. 2013, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-13-41
Oral Language Development
The development of infants’ oral language begins as caregivers socially interact with them. Oral language includes speaking and listening. Young children learn about their world as they communicate with others.
Byington, T. 2013, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-13-42
Phonological Awareness
Phonological Awareness refers to the sound structure of spoken language. It is a broad skill that includes being able to hear and play with smaller sounds in words. Phonological awareness includes identifying and manipulating sounds.
Byington, T. 2013, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-14-07
Math in the Preschool Classroom Classification, Matching, Seriation and Patterning
In this fact sheet we focus on the math skills of classification, matching, seriation and patterning.
Byington, T., Kim, Y., Nazarechuk, C., Weigel, D. 2013, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-16-12
Inclusion in Early Childhood Programs
This factsheet explains inclusion in early childhood and programs that can have benefits.
Byington, T. 2010, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-10-67
Recognizing Developmental Delays in Young Children
This factsheet explain developmental delays in young children, concerns, and ways to recognize them.
Byington, T. 2010, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-10-66
Dando Lo Mejor A Los Niños: Berrinches
A Spanish fact sheet that provides information on children and tantrums.
Byington, T. 2007, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-07-37
Bridging the Miles
This special publication explores several ways families can help their children connect when deployment changes family life. Learn what to do before deployment, during deployment, and returning home from deployment.
Byington, T., Brownell, T., Hayes, M, Bachman, B. 2007, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, SP-07-10
Giving R Best 2 Kids: Development & Behavior - Biting
This fact sheet explains the many things parents can do and say to kids when they start biting.
Byington, T. 2006, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-06-81
Giving R Best 2 Kids: Development & Behavior - Temper Tantrums
This fact sheet explains what should be done or said to kids that have temper tantrums.
Byington, T. 2006, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-06-82
Developmental Milestones For Infants
This fact sheet explains things that infants can do from birth to 12 months old.
Kock, J. 2006, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-06-77
Developmental Milestones For Preschoolers
This fact sheet explores the things preschoolers can do from age three to five.
Kock, J. 2006, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-06-79
Developmental Milestones for Toddlers
This fact sheet explains the many things toddlers can do from 12 to 36 months.
Kock, J. 2006, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-06-78
Recognizing Child Abuse and Neglect
This fact sheet provides extensive information on recognizing child abuse and neglect by exploring ways to recognize child abuse. Learn more about physical and behavioral indicators, factors affecting them, and how to report child abuse.
Kock, J. and Byington, T 2006, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-06-25
Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
This fact sheet explores child abuse and neglect, types of maltreatment, reporting, perpetrators, and many more.
Kock, J., Agao, V., Byington, T., and Martin, S. 2006, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-06-26
Preschoolers Build Fundamental Motor Skills Critical to an Active Lifestyle: The All 4 Kids© Intervention Study
This pragmatic, real world study examined the effects of the All 4 Kids© intervention on preschoolers’ mastery of movement skills and determined whether the instruction had greater impact than natural development.
Anne R. Lindsay 1,*, Angela Starrett 2 , Ali Brian 3 , Teresa A. Byington 1, Jennifer Lucas 4 and Madeleine Sigman-Grant 2020, International Journal of Enviornmental Research and Public Health
Girls jumping on a trampoline.
Interrater Reliability of a Field-Based Preschool Movement Skills Assessment
To determine the interrater reliability of the Preschool Movement Assessment (PMA), a unique field-based movement assessment tool for use by early childhood professionals in preschool settings.
Lindsay, A., Dyrek, A., Blitstein, J., Byington, T. & Sigman-Grant, M. 2018, Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 50(10):1040-1045
Girl with flag
Healthy choices start early
To address childhood obesity, a team of faculty in early childhood education, exercise physiology/physical activity, and nutrition. Extension developed All 4 Kids, a program focusing on healthy lifestyle choices.
Byington, T. A., Lindsay, A., Sigman-Grant, M. J. 2014, Journal of the National Association for the Education of Young Children, 69(5), 14-21
Head Start families thoughts and beliefs about health, nutrition, and physical activity. Byington, T. A., Lindsay, A. R., Loesch-Griffin, D., Brumett, S., & Sigman-Grant, M. 2013, National Head Start Association, NHSA Dialog, 16(3), 64-76.
A family together having fun.
Influencing Head Start families thoughts and beliefs about health, nutrition, and physical activity.
The results of an intervention comparison research study indicated that preschoolers can have an influence on their families’ food selection and physical activity habits.
Byington, T. A., Lindsay, A. R., Loesch-Griffin, D., Brumett, S., & Sigman-Grant, M. 2013, National Head Start Association, NHSA Dialog, 16(3), 160-164
A teacher with children eating apples.
Preschoolers can distinguish between healthy and unhealthy foods: The All 4 Kids Study
This study determined changes in preschoolers' ability to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy foods and stated food preferences after participation in a nutrition education program.
Sigman-Grant, M., Byington, T., Lindsay, A., Lu, M., Mobley, A., Fitzgerald, N. & Hildebrand, D. 2013, Journal of nutrition education and behavior, 03/2014, Volume 46, Issue 2
Growth, Obesity and Energy Balance. Lindsay, A. R., Sigman-Grant, M. J., Byington, T. A. 2014, UNCE Publication AV-14-01
Children Are What They Eat. Sigman-Grant, M. J., Lindsay, A. R., Byington, T. A. 2014, UNCE Publication AV-14-02