Laurie A. Thom
Tribal Outreach, Yerington, NV
Laurie Thom supports Tribal Emergency Management Programs for the University of Nevada Extension. She is a member of the Yerington Paiute Tribe. Laurie worked in the tribal sector as an advocate for victims of crime, tribal law enforcement, environmental staff, and served as a council member and as Chairman of two different Northern Nevada tribes. She has served on regional and national committees for tribal funding and was honored with Leader of the Year from the Nevada Indian Commission for her service to Nevada tribes. Serving in the legislative branch of tribal government during times of crisis provided her valuable insight into many levels of preparedness needed for tribal emergency management. Serving her community for 10 years in the Schurz Volunteer Fire Department and as a wildland firefighter and support services, she has experienced being on the front lines and received special training. Training included U.S. Department of Health and Human Services & U.S. Public Health Services Introduction to Institutional Environmental Health, Hazmat, Bioterrorism Awareness, emergency communications, terrorism consequences, Nevada State Grants, FEMA and CTAS grants, FEMA Community Emergency Management Team Training, and CERT Train the Trainer, numerous health and wellness CEU’s. She earned her associate degree at Western Nevada College, graduated and presented cultural inclusion at the National Victims Assistance Academy at California State University-Fresno, earned her massage therapy license, and has been a licensed massage therapist for 14 ½ years. She is a Great Basin Basket Weavers Association member and actively attends the Four Tribes Alliance and the Tribal Cultural Resources Management Working Group. Laurie’s expertise is in emergency management, Tribal relations, and indigenous knowledge of Nevada Tribes.