What is Exploring Safety?

One important role as a parent is to protect your child.  Being aware of child safety issues and the risks around your home, in your community and now online, is crucial. This program explores safety issues such as indoor, outdoor and personal safety, along with topics about child abuse prevention, stress management and positive guidance. One special topic includes "body safety," which was a result from a 2017 needs assessment (conducted with parents/caregivers of young children in Clark County).

After attending the program, 75 percent of the parents showed an understanding of important child safety and welfare issues such as child abuse and shaken baby syndrome.

Some of our goals:

  • Increase parenting knowledge in the area of child safety, stress management and positive guidance.
  • Share tips with parents on how they can discuss these important safety topics with their children.
  • Prevent child abuse.

What do we do?

  • The program series includes parents and children and takes place once a week for four or six weeks.
  • During each weekly class families engage in a variety of hands-on activities related to safety.
  • Families receive free materials and books to complete additional enrichment activities at home.


Exploring Safety is one of many parenting programs and workshops available for families with young children. For more information visit Partners in Parenting's full website.

Learn more about the program contributor(s)

YaeBin Kim
Program Leader & Contact
Heidi Petermeier
Program Contact
Olga Soto
Program Contact

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