What is Let’s Discover STEM?

Let’s Discover STEM (Descubramos STEM) is a family engagement program aimed at getting Spanish speaking parents and young children together around simple, fun Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) activities. Interest, knowledge and skills in STEM begin before kindergarten. Early exposure to STEM, whether in school or at home, supports children’s overall academic growth.

The overall goal of the program is to increase young children’s interest, knowledge and engagement in STEM activities, and to empower parents/caregivers to be positive forces for their child. Based on family engagement and ecological frameworks focusing on children, families, schools and community, Let’s Discover STEM focuses on STEM enhancement and parent engagement for families with preschoolers and kindergarteners.

Some of our goals:

  • To introduce young children to fun and enriching basic STEM activities
  • To show parents how to help their children become excited about STEMA mother and daughter create artwork from colored paper shapes at a Let's Discover STEM workshop.
  • To enrich the home learning environment and lifelong learning skills of parents and children
  • To strengthen the relationship between parents and their children

What do we do?

  • Workshops include parents and children and take place once a week for seven weeks.
  • During each weekly session families engage in a variety of hands-on, experiential STEM activities.
  • Families receive a free book and materials to complete additional enrichment activities at home.

For Clark County residents, Let's Discover STEM is one of many parenting programs and workshops available for families with young children.  For more information visit Partners in Parenting's full website.

Let's Discover STEM curriculum order form

Extension provides its Let's Discover STEM curriculum to educators. All of our curriculum materials are ADA compliant/accessible. If you are an educator who would like to receive digital access to the materials, please complete the order form below.

Learn more about the program contributor(s)

YaeBin Kim
Program Leader & Contact
Heidi Petermeier
Program Leader & Contact
Chelle Miller
Program Contact
Olga Soto
Program Contact

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A young child with his family's museum in a box diorama
Make Your Home a Great Place to Play
The many forms of play enrich a child’s brain, body and life in important ways, and STEM in the early years makes a difference in children’s lives. Any time, even this time of coronavirus, can be the right time to make time for STEM. All families can learn more about STEM at home.
Ramirez-Barroeta, L., and Andrews, A. 2020, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno