YaeBin Kim

Photo of YaeBin Kim, Extension

YaeBin Kim

Parenting Education, Child Development Specialist


As Extension Specialist and Professor for Children, Youth and Families in the program area of parenting education including family literacy and school readiness, my role is to conduct needs assessment; develop and implement research-based parenting education programs; assess and report impact; publish Extension publications and journal articles related to parenting education, school readiness, family literacy and child development. Currently, I am overseeing several parenting education programs and parenting workshops (direct education: Little Books and Little Cooks, Fun to Play for Preschoolers, Let's Discover STEM, Exploring Safety, Positive Connections for Parents & Teenagers, Language and Literacy Workshop series, Screen Time Smarts workshop and Safe Parents, Safe Kids) and online parenting resources (online education: Just In TIme Parenting Newsletters, Kinship Families booklet and many parenting fact sheets). 


Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2010 (Human Development and Family Studies)


mother with babies on computer

Digital Parenting Project

The Digital Parenting project provides access to a digital library of parenting messages and supports effective digital communication options. These parenting messages also support family-friendly approaches that allow parents to engage in their child’s development and learning as well as a healthy atmosphere to establish positive early childhood parenting. Parents may sign up below for the messages or teachers may inquire about the digital library for their center or classroom.

mother reading to kids

Everyday SEL and YOU

Everyday SEL and YOU is a seven-week family engagement program for families with children ages 3-5. It focuses on enhancing young children's Social-Emotional Learning (SEL).

Diverse Children in Circle Around Safety Lock

Exploring Safety: A program for families with young children

This four-week program is designed to improve awareness of important child safety issues and to increase parenting knowledge

Two women read a book with a little girl at a Family Storyteller workshop

Family Storyteller Literacy Program

National award-winning Family Storyteller is a literacy program aimed at encouraging and training parents to play a vital role in the literacy development of their children. The statewide program creates an opportunity for parents and young children to interact around literacy and language activities.

Parents and children doing a name craft at a Fun to Play class

Fun to Play for Preschoolers

This 6-week program encourages positive parent-child interaction and learning through creative play. It also promotes children’s school readiness skills. Each week emphasizes a Nevada Pre-K standard.

A mother holds her sleeping newborn baby

Just in Time Parenting

Just in Time Parenting is an electronically delivered age-paced parenting newsletter originally developed by a national network of Extension Family Life Specialists in 2008. The program was designed to reach parents at teachable, transitional moments.

A mother and daughter work together on creating artwork with colored paper shapes at a Let's Discover STEM workshop.

Let's Discover STEM

Let’s Discover STEM is a 6-week program that focuses on STEM enhancement and parent engagement for families with preschoolers.

Photo collage of parents and children cooking together.

Little Books & Little Cooks

Healthy eating, family literacy and positive parent-child interaction is promoted in this 6-week program for families with preschool aged children. It also promotes children's school readiness skills. An important component of the program is the involvement of both parents and children, especially during the hands-on cooking activities.


Partners in Parenting

Parenting education and support are key to raising successful children, creating confident parents and building strong families and communities. Partners in Parenting offers many educational programs, workshops and resources primarily for parents with preschool-aged children to support healthy child development, school readiness skills, and positive parent-child interaction. Programs, workshops and resources are also available for families with children ages 0-18 y también en Español.

Hispanic family in close up photo

Positive Connections for Parents & Teenagers

Understanding teenage behavior and increasing parenting knowledge and skills is explored in this 4-week program for parents with adolescents.

Grandson hugs grandma reading a book.

Raising Your Relative's Kids: How to Find Help

As part of the family support program Kinship Families, Raising Your Relative's Kids: How to Find Help is a resource guide for kinship caregivers caring for children in out-of-home placement. We offer an informational website using the 100+ page resource guide, which is also available in print and on CD, including a Spanish version.


YaeBin's teaching efforts focused on developing, piloting, implementing, and evaluating the Let's Discover STEM; developing and piloting the Positive Connections for Parents and Teens (parenting education program for parents of teenagers); teaching, implementing, expanding, overseeing and evaluating the Little Books and Little Cooks program; developing and implementing the Smart Parents Safe Kids workshop; implementing and evaluating the Exploring Safety; and updating, overseeing, teaching and evaluating Partners in Parenting programs when necessary. I supervised, trained and provided program support for six staff. My goal is to provide comprehensive parenting education programs that parents or caregivers can easily access. To reach this goal, we provide several parenting education classes and parenting resources to Clark County parents or caregivers. In 2018, our team reached 7,973 unduplicated parents and children in Clark County.

Honors and Awards

  • Second place National and 1st Place West Region Educational Curriculum Package Award  from the 2021 National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences for the Let's Discover STEM curriculum
  • Distinguished Service Award from the 2021 National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences
  • Second place Western Region Communication Newsletters Award from the 2020  National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences for Just In Time Parenting Newsletter
  • Second place Western Region Program Excellence Through Research Award at the 2019 National Extension Association for Family and Consumer Science Annual Session for Multi-state SWOT Analysis of Literacy Training Program
  • First place National and the first place Western Region Early Childhood Child Care Training Award at the 2017 National Extension Association for Family and Consumer Science Annual Session for Literacy in the Early Childhood Classroom Training Program
  • Second place National Human Development/Family Relationship Award at the 2017 National Extension Association for Family and Consumer Science Annual Session for Literacy in the Early Childhood Classroom Training Program
  • First place National and Western Region Human Development/Family Relationship Program award at the 2014 National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Session of Little Books and Little Cooks Curriculum

News & Journal Articles, Fact Sheets, Reports...

Family Storyteller | Calendar Fun University of Nevada, Reno Extension 2018, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Curriculum Materials
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (Sids) In Southern Nevada
This Curriculum material explains the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) by defining the syndrome, listing important facts, and many more.
Kock, J. 2004, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, CM-04-03
Fact Sheets
Impostor Syndrome and Parenting: What Is It and How to Overcome It
Impostor syndrome involves feeling like a fraud despite one’s achievements and worry someone will find out about it. It can cause feelings of anxiety and affect relationships. Parents experience impostor syndrome when they doubt their own parenting capabilities, but it is possible to overcome these feelings.
Kim, Y. and Petermeier, H. 2023, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-23-23
kids holding puzzle
Life Skills for Young Children Kim, YB 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-22-18
Yes, Parenting is Difficult!
If you are parents to children of any age, at some point in life you must have felt that parenting is difficult. Parenting sometimes involves more work than pleasure. Although very rewarding, most parents agree, taking care of a child and his or her many, many needs can be physically and emotionally exhausting.
YaeBin K. 2021, University of Nevada, Reno, Extension, FS-21-95
Teaching Young Children About Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
It is important to teach your child about diversity, equity and inclusion. It is so important to help your children learn how to embrace diversity in a way that is respectful and celebrates different cultures, backgrounds and experiences.
YaeBin Kim 2021, University of Nevada, Reno, Extension, FS-21-96
Engineering in the Preschool Classroom
Children are natural engineers. Adults can help develop children’s beginning engineering skills by giving them things to build with and to take apart, asking questions, and providing them with safe opportunities and places to test out their ideas. In this fact sheet we focus on the engineering-related skills of building and construction, and movement and force.
Weigel, D., Byington, T. and Kim, Y. 2019, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-19-04
name calling
Avoid labeling your child
Parents (also caregivers and adults) easily label children without consciously realizing it. Labeling children typically entails using an adjective to describe a child's character, behavior or appearance (e.g., shy, bossy, picky eater, always crying, etc.). What adult says carries a lot of weight with children.
YaeBin Kim and Heidi Petermeier 2019, Extension Fact Sheet-19-13
baby with laptop
Science in the Preschool Classroom: Physical Science Byington, T., Kim, Y., and Weigel, D. 2017, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
Cocinando Con Niños Pequeños (Cooking with Young Children) Kim, Y. 2017, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-17-01
kids reading e-book
E-Books for Young Children Kim, Y. 2017, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
Science in the Preschool Classroom: Earth Science Kim, Y., Weigel, D., and Byington, T. 2017, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
Science in the Preschool Classroom: The Living World— Animals and Plants Weigel, D., Byington, K., and Kim, Y. 2017, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
Science in the Preschool Classroom: The Living World - Animals and Plants
This fact sheet contains extensive information on how children can learn to be scientists at an early age by exploring different topics and ideas for the classroom.
Weigel, D., Byington, T., Kim, Y. 2017, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-17-09
Math in the Preschool Classroom Number Identification, Counting and One-to-one Correspondence, and Addition and Subtraction
In this fact sheet, we focus on the following number sense skills: number identification, counting and one-to-one correspondence, and addition and subtraction.
Byington, T., Kim, Y., and Weigel, D. 2016, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, FS-16-14
Math in the Preschool Classroom Spatial relations, Geometry and Measurement
In this fact sheet we focus on three fundamental math skills — spatial relations, geometry (shapes) and measurement.
Byington, T., Kim, Y., and Weigel, D. 2016, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, FS-16-13
Family Storytelling and the Benefits for Children
Parents are encouraged time and time again to read stories from books with their young children, as the benefits are many – improved literacy skills, increased school success, parent-child bonding, developing a lifetime interest in reading and more.
YaeBin K. and H. Petermeier 2016, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, FS-16-07
Infant Language Development
From the moment babies are born, they are learning how to communicate. Babies first communicate by crying and then begin to coo and babble. Infants’ speech develops as they are exposed to sounds and language, spoken and unspoken. Gestures, facial expressions and sounds are all part of language development.
Byington, T. and Kim, Y. 2015, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, FS-15-06
learning to talk
Toddler Language Development
During the toddler years (12 to 35 months), children’s language development grows rapidly. Toddlers gain the ability to say words clearly, combine words into phrases, and express their needs and wants.
Byington, T. and Kim, Y. 2015, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, Fact Sheet-15-05
baking with kids
Cooking With Young Children
Cooking with children can be considered a fun learning activity for both young children and their parents. Cooking is one of a few activities that can improve many abilities at once. Children can enhance math, science, language, motor development, art and social skills through cooking.
Kim, Y. 2015, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, Fact Sheet-15-03
Emergent Writing
Children need to be encouraged to experiment with writing by having access to a variety of writing materials and tools. With experience, children become fluent and proficient at writing words and sentences using correct punctuation.
Byington, T., & Kim, Y. 2014, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-14-08
Los Niños Pequeños en la Edad Digital (Young Children in the Digital Age) Kim, Y. 2014, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-14-10
Play is Children's Learning
Children these days spend a lot of time watching television, using smartphones or playing with other tech toys, but children need to spend more time dressing up, making dens, singing, dancing and playing outside. Children learn through play and play contributes to children's brain development and school readiness.
Kim, Y. 2014, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-14-09
Building Vocabulary
A variety of techniques can be used to promote the development of language and literacy skills in young children. Building a child’s vocabulary is a great way for parents and teachers to nurture children’s oral language skills and influences a child’s ability to comprehend written words in the future.
Teresa Byington & YaeBin Kim 2014, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, Fact Sheet FS-14-07
Math in the Preschool Classroom Classification, Matching, Seriation and Patterning
In this fact sheet we focus on the math skills of classification, matching, seriation and patterning.
Byington, T., Kim, Y., Nazarechuk, C., Weigel, D. 2013, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-16-12
Children in the Digital Age
Young Children in the Digital Age
In the 21st century, babies to school-age children are digital consumers, often using TV, computers, gaming systems, even smartphones and tablets. This fact sheet explains possible concerns and benefit associated with children's media use and suggest what parents/caregivers can do.
Kim, Y. 2013, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-13-22
Los Niños Pequeños Que Aprenden Control De Si Mismo Tienen Más Posibilidades Para El Éxito (Young Children Who Learn Self Control Have More Chances for Success)
Los padres y cuidadores de los niños juegan ún rol muy vital ayudando a los niños pequeños a desarrollar sus habilidades de control de si mismo.
Kim, Y. 2012, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, Fact Sheet FS-12-17
How to Support Dual Language Learners (DLL) in the Early Years
It is important for young Dual Language Learners (DLL) s to be exposed to diverse early literacy experiences (e.g., reading books, sharing nursery rhymes, taking children to the library, helping children learn about letters) either at home or in child care programs,
Kim, Y. 2011, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-11-68
Young Children Who Learn Self Control Have More Chances for Success
Preschoolers who are better at self control become more self-confident, more independent, better at handling stress and frustration, and better in academic performance during adolescence. Parents and child care providers play a vital role in helping young children develop self control skills.
Kim, Y. 2011, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, Fact Sheet FS-11-57
Facts About Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS)
This fact sheet explains in great detail the harmful effects and consequences of Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS).
Kock, J. 2007, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-07-48
Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS)
This fact sheet explains what Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) is and serval ways to prevent it.
Kock, Jo. 2007, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-07-49
Money Sense for your Children - The Pressures of Advertising
This fact sheet contains a variety of information on how children can learn more about money and advertising.
Koehler, C, Crites, A., Behal, P., and Horton, S. 2007, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-07-19
Pre-Kindergarten Math Concepts
This fact sheet provides a quick overview of pre-kindergarten math concepts and more.
Bixler, M. 2006, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-06-91
Pre-Kindergarten Standards: Building the Framework for Learning
This fact sheet provides information on Pre-kindergarten standards and concepts such as math, science, creative arts, and more.
Bixler, M. 2006, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-06-20
Money Sense for Your Children - The Spending Plan
This fact sheet is lesson 4 of the Money Sense for Your Children and will explore money management and how to create a spending plan by understanding the needs and wants of children.
Koehler, C., Crites, A., Behal, P., and Horton, S. 2006, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-06-96
Money Sense for Your Children - Saving and Sharing
This fact sheet is lesson 3 of The Money Sense for Your Children series which explores how children can save and share their money.
Koehler, C., Crites, A., Behal, P., and Horton, S. 2006, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-06-95
Money Sense for your Children - Money Management Sense
This fact sheet is lesson 1 of money sense for your children that specifically deals with money management.
Koehler, C., Crites, A., Behal, P., and Horton, S., 2006, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-06-93
Money Sense for your Children - Where Money Comes From
This fact sheet is lesson 2 of Money Sense for your Children series and will explore where money comes from. Learn more about how children can find ways to make money early on in their life.
Koehler, C., Crites, A., Behal, P., and Horton, S., 2006, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-06-94
Money Sense for your Children - Your Questions - Your Answers
This fact sheet is lesson 6 of the Money Sense for your Children series and will explore common questions and answers that parents and children have about money loss, stealing, allowance, and more.
Koehler, C., Crites, A., Behal, P., and Horton, S., 2006, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-06-97
Bullying - It’s Not Child's Play
This fact sheet explains bullying such as the types the reasons behind bullying. Learn more about how parents can help stop or reduce bullying from happening.
Bixler, M. 2004, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-04-58
Informational Publications
girl playing with cardboard
Let's Discover STEM: Five-Year Report 2017-2022 Nevada Sustainable Communities Project
A seven-week workshop targeting children in at-risk communities in Las Vegas & Reno-Sparks to promote STEM topics and the results of said workshop.
Weigel, D., Kim, Y., and Evans, B. 2022, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, IP-22-01
Special Publications
Parenting Needs for Parents of Young Children in Southern Nevada
In order to develop new parenting programs or maintain existing programs, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension (UNCE) conducted this comprehensive needs assessment study to identify parenting education needs in southern Nevada.
Kim, Y. 2012, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, SP 12-10