Interested in Presenting?

The Conference Committee is seeking hands-on workshops, research sessions, poster proposals, and participants to lead panel discussions.

Using the RMA mission of mitigating risk to producers, the topic of “bees” at this conference will have a bigger definition than just "beekeeping." The conference will focus on native bees and other pollinators and the benefits of protecting pollinators for the beekeeper, the homeowner, and small acreage producer. The Conference will also present useful support and resources to help beekeepers increase their hive viability and economic continuity through topics such as getting value-added products to market, USDA, Risk Management Agency insurance products available, over-wintering hives, and navigating increasing regulations around apiculture. Topics pertaining to sustainable landscaping, water conservation, mitigating the risks of a changing climate, and the latest regenerative agriculture practices will benefit smaller acreage farms and ranches, as well as the traditional homeowner. 

Individuals and teams with information and background that align with the topics to be presented are encouraged to submit proposals. We ask that presentations be interactive and engaging for the conference participants and that they provide useful and practicable information. Please click on the link to fill out and submit the form if you or your team are interested.

Call for Proposals