Moe, J. 2024, 2023 Annual Report Summary, Desert Farming Initiative, University of Nevada, Reno, Annual Report

Food Systems Development 


In 2023, the Education Program Coordinator at DFI dedicated 25% of their time to the UNR Extension SNAP-Ed grant. Additionally, the grant covered 75% of the contracted 680 hours for the Food Systems Development Assistant AmeriCorps Member. These positions worked within a statewide Extension SNAP-Ed team to facilitate the utilization of SNAP benefits at farmers markets. This involved enhancing market managers' understanding of SNAP through various channels such as maintaining an informative webpage, conducting one-on-one consultations, and organizing two statewide forums for market managers focused on SNAP. They also assisted SNAP-authorized markets in creating an inclusive environment for SNAP shoppers by providing signage, stickers, vendor training, and promotional items. The team raised awareness among SNAP shoppers about SNAP-authorized farmers markets using social media, community-distributed flyers, and a direct-mailed postcard campaign. Detailed results are reflected in grant reports.

Food Security Coalition:

As part of the SNAP-Ed initiative, DFI's Education Program Coordinator and the Food Systems Development Assistant played key roles in organizing the Food Security Coalition. This coalition, comprising various food system stakeholders in northern Nevada such as farms, food hubs, and pantries, formed in response to heightened food insecurity during the pandemic. Its primary objective was to distribute produce from small to medium-sized regional farmers to pantries rapidly, addressing the needs of the local food-insecure population. DFI staff coordinated three coalition meetings. These gatherings facilitated mutual understanding among members, identified collaborative opportunities, and facilitated the distribution of food resources.

Farmer’s Market Promotion Program:

In 2023, DFI supported the 'Meet Me at #NVFarmersMarkets' project, a community-based integrated marketing training and campaign for Nevada farmers markets funded by the USDA Agricultural Marketing Services (AMS) Farmers Market Promotion Program. Led by PI Sung-Yeon Park, Ph.D., Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Professor in the UNR School of Public Health, this project aimed to enhance public awareness and usage of farmers markets across Nevada by increasing the consumer marketing skills of market managers and farm vendors. DFI's established relationships with Nevada farmers and market managers positioned the organization as a key support partner. Throughout 2023, DFI actively supported the project's survey of farmers and market managers, including online research, phone calls and site visits. The team used insights from the survey to create a comprehensive statewide needs assessment, guiding the project's activities in the coming years.

University Engagement and Academic Support

For-Credit UNR Undergraduate and Graduate Internships and Independent Studies:

DFI did not host academic internships in Spring 2023 due to staffing limitations. After receiving CABNR funding in July 2023 for faculty to support academic activities at DFI, recruitment was initiated again. DFI hosted 2 credits in Fall 2023: Allison Bower, NUTR 400 with Jamie Benedict on Produce Safety. In Fall 2023, 17 students applied for internships advertised for 2024, indicating continued high demand. DFI’s focus going forward will be to provide fewer, higher value internship experiences with total credits dictated by staff availability. The single two-credit internship in 2023 compares to a total of 8 undergraduate and graduate internships (18 credits) hosted in 2022, and 4 undergraduate academic internships in 2021 (8 credits).

Competitive Paid Internships:

DFI hosted 6 paid undergraduate internships in 2023 (below), compared to 8 paid undergraduate internships hosted in 2022. These focused on food sovereignty, food security and climate smart farming, and were funded by the UNR Foundation, Western American Indian USDA Outreach and Assistance Project, and NDA Specialty Crop Block Grant Program.

UNR Recruitment and Class Engagement:

DFI hosted two recruitment farm tours for approximately 20 Tribal students from various regional schools, including Pyramid Lake High School and youths from the Washoe County School District. These tours, coordinated by faculty from the CABNR Tribal Students Program and Multicultural Center and led by DFI staff, aimed to showcase opportunities for Tribal students at the University. The tours specifically highlighted the work done at DFI to advance Tribal food sovereignty. DFI also gave a presentation on opportunities for Indigenous youth at the Tribal Students Recruitment Camp on August 2, 2023. Approximately forty students attended.

DFI supported the NevadaFIT orientation for incoming University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) students. DFI hosted a tour and harvest activity engaging 8 nutrition students, and a tour and tomato brix exercise for a larger group of 100 students. DFI’s engagement in NevadaFIT not only introduced students to DFI's sustainable agriculture practices but also provided a unique perspective on campus life. DFI's support during NevadaFIT enriched the students' overall orientation experience by showcasing the diverse opportunities available at UNR, fostering a deeper connection between academic learning and practical engagement in fields related to nutrition and agriculture. This immersive introduction set the stage for incoming students to explore the multifaceted aspects of campus life and discover the wealth of opportunities available at the intersection of academia and real-world application.

UNR class engagement:

DFI continued to offer University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) students a dynamic bridge between classroom learning and real-world applications. DFI hosted direct farm engagement activities for: NUTR 271 Introduction to Nutrition and Dietetics (Jolyn Wirshing), AGSC 230 Principles of Horticulture (Felipe Barrios-Masias), and NRES 322 Soils (Paul Verburg). This included class tours, harvest activities, weekly lab sections, and/or soil sampling exercises. These engagements provided students with hands-on experiences, reinforcing theoretical knowledge with practical application.

Campus Harvest Events:

DFI supported four TMCC and UNR ASUN farmer’s market and harvest events in 2023. These events highlight sustainability and local food, providing a direct connection between the DFI farm and campuses. Produce was purchased by student organizations for these events.

Food Sovereignty Program for Tribal Students:

Since 2022, DFI has hosted paid opportunities for UNR Tribal students to engage in self-guided work with culturally relevant food plants. These positions serve to both advance Indigenous food sovereignty and support students’ sense of belonging at UNR. Raised bed space was dedicated to sovereignty plantings managed by Indigenous students, Lance Owyhee and Tessa Smartt, with support from DFI farm management and four Washoe County Master Gardeners. A dozen varieties of ancient southwest crops were harvested in 2023. Students also continued working with native Great Basin plants of cultural interest, including Golden Current, Chokecherry, Indian Tea, Yellow Bee Plant, and Sandberg Bluegrass. Seeds were sourced from Native Seed SEARCH and the Nevada Department of Agriculture Foundation Seed Program.

Crops were gathered and harvested from DFI for a Yubano Tuka cooking and dinner event in November to raise awareness about traditional food and medicinal plants. The event was hosted by the Multicultural Center at The Joe and approximately 50 students, faculty and Tribal community members attended.

DFI continued to build food sovereignty expertise during 2023. Faculty attended the National Native Seed Conference in Washington DC in March, and a Seeding Food System Transformation through Agroecology event in Truckee September. The latter event emphasized food sovereignty and traditional food ways of the Washoe Tribe. There continues to be broad interest and engagement in the food sovereignty work based at DFI. Fifteen agencies and organizations have supported this program.

DFI also facilitated discussions to gain support and approvals for a demonstration garden in Mackay Stadium. Two site visits and multiple meetings for dialogue resulted in the development of a concept and phase one budget. DFI submitted a proposal to the Facilities Resources Committee to change the use of the site, and the Committee approved the proposal on November 14, 2023, but it is not yet fully funded. 

Agricultural Industry Collaboration and Support

Nevada Farm Network:

Throughout 2023, DFI continued to advance the Nevada Farm Network (NFN) with support from a Specialty Crop Block Grant from the Nevada Department of Agriculture. The Network was developed in collaboration with NEON Marketing Agency and aims to transform how specialty crop farmers in Nevada connect and collaborate digitally. The Nevada Farm Network online platform will serve as a central hub for the agricultural community and feature a comprehensive Nevada-specific agricultural resource library, providing a space for meaningful grower interaction.

In the fall 2023 semester, DFI enhanced College engagement by employing an agricultural communications student intern to contribute to the development of the NFN. This not only provides invaluable applied experience for the UNR student but also brings fresh increased capacity to the project.

Guiding the forum's development is the Leadership Committee, comprised of experienced farmers who bring valuable insights and perspectives to the project. The Network hosted the Climate Smart Farming Forum in 2023, drawing 79 registrants. This successful event focused on the 2023 climate outlook and sustainable farming practices, aligning with NFN's commitment to fostering educational discussions.

Nevada Farm Apprenticeship Program:

In 2023, DFI celebrated significant milestones and accomplishments with the Nevada Farm Apprenticeship Program, an initiative supporting the training of future farmers with funding from the USDA NIFA Regional Food Systems Partnership grant program and CABNR match. CABNR academic faculty and Nevada Small Business Development Center worked with DFI staff to run the program.

The initial groundwork for the program's structure and content commenced in late 2022 and extended through 2023. Informed by visits to successful apprenticeship programs in California, the project team crafted a curriculum and program materials that are providing a robust learning experience for apprentices. DFI actively pursued and secured certification from the Nevada State Apprenticeship Council (Nevada Department of Labor), reinforcing the program's legitimacy and commitment to national industry standards.

In September 2023, the project team selected two apprentices from 17 applicants for the first operational year of the program. The apprentices are actively engaging in farm work and practical training at DFI, touring partner farms, completing a comprehensive curriculum, and beginning management of a farm incubator space.

Nevada Grown/Grown in Nevada:

With a seat on the board of directors, DFI assisted with the transition of the Nevada Grown nonprofit over to the Small Business Development Center at UNR, now rebranded as Grown in Nevada. DFI stores and distributes Nevada branded bags, twist ties and recipe cards to growers. These materials promote regional produce and the agriculture industry in the State.

Climate Smart Farming:

In collaboration with the Nevada State Climate Office and CABNR faculty, DFI updated a web page sharing the five key strategies that fruit and vegetable farmers can implement to meet the challenges posed by our changing climate. Founded on soil health and regenerative farming practices, these strategies can reduce the impacts of drought, heat and changing weather patterns, and help increase resiliency over the short and long-term. With each strategy, DFI includes a list of specific actions that are in place at the farm. Some of these practices are proving effective, and some are being trialed or refined. This guidance is updated each year after the Nevada State Climate Office provides a seasonal outlook for growers in May. An associated annual forum is coordinated by DFI and the Nevada Farm Network to provide a venue for researchers, State agency staff and growers to have a direct dialogue. 

Vineyard Network and Winemaking Partnership:

DFI worked with two commercial vineyard owners, 3 vineyard hobbyists, and the Extension Vineyard in Las Vegas to continue the establishment of a network of 490 Riesling grapevines through the Nevada Grape Growers and Winemakers partnership. This network provides a platform for research (see further discussion in Section 6).

DFI continued coordination of the Partnership in 2023 to make 3 more UNR wines with Nevada Sunset Winery: a white blend, a red blend and a new Riesling. Grapes for these new wines were entirely sourced from Nevada’s Lenox Family Vineyard and the Las Vegas Research Center and Demonstration Orchard. The red wine will be used at the next red blend event (to be scheduled for early 2024). DFI also led the coordination of two related wine events in 2023: a ‘Sip into Spring’ white wine tasting paired with a menu prepared by UNR Chef Matt Riesenthel (April 2023), and a wine tasting (all varietals to date) at DFI during Field Day (June 2023).


Working with Bill Sharp (representative of heirloom orchard owners), Neil Crowley (orchard hobbyist), the farm crew and volunteers, DFI completed necessary grafting and replanting. The Jessica Younger Dickens Memorial and Research Orchard also provides a platform for research (see further discussion in Section 6). Events to maintain connection with donors and orchard owners were held in May and November 2023.  DFI staff attended a Living History Day cider making demonstration on October 21, 2023 in Carson City. These events were opportunities to interact with Nevada orchard growers and specialists. The event organizer reached out to DFI to promote the events.

Biological Controls in Agriculture:

DFI gave a presentation and tour for approximately 50 industry representatives attending the Biological Controls Expo on February 20 and 22, 2023 in Reno.

Soil Health:

DFI visited Western States Hemp on January 31, 2023 with Dr. Felipe Barrios Masias and the Small Business Development Center to discuss collaboration on soil health practices, transition to fruit and vegetable production, and Nevada crop promotion.

Food Safety:

DFI is a demonstration site for on-farm produce safety practices, and staff are available to provide produce safety services for growers throughout Nevada. DFI maintains Nevada-specific resources online, including crop specific guidance and templates for farm food safety planning. DFI hosted a food safety tour for Soulful Seeds farm staff and board of directors. Ten attendees received an orientation to food safety practices relevant to the new 5-acre urban farm they founded in 2023. See Section 2 regarding related academic internships.

Tomato Grafting:

DFI worked with Holley Family Farms, Dr. Felipe Barrios Masias, and Dr. Steven Bristow to continue refining tomato grafting procedures, with a focus on practical applications for small on-farm greenhouses. DFI held a grafting workshop in its greenhouse in March. The goal is to develop guidance that can be shared with growers and potentially establish DFI nursery as a local supplier of grafted tomato starts for farms in the region. This work will be continued in 2024.

Tribal Hoop House Program Support:

DFI continued to provide technical guidance and support to the Federally-Recognized Tribes Extension Program (FRTEP) Tribal Hoop House Program, developing an April presentation for field staff to use during seasonal meetings, providing agricultural training opportunities for field staff at the DFI farm, and connecting the Program to other efforts such as the Nevada Farm Network. 

Community Engagement 

General Public:

Cesar Chavez Day of Service: DFI cohosted 23 community members at a farm mulching event on April 1. The event included discussion by the Center for Student Engagement about the historical significance of the day, and highlights about DFI’s food sovereignty work. 

CABNR Field Day: DFI participated in the June 2023 Field Day at Valley Road, featuring a farm stand selling produce and plant starts in collaboration with Wolf Pack Meats, a wine tasting area showcasing UNR wines, a self-guided hoop house tour focusing on climate smart farming, an orchard research informational area, and student and AmeriCorps project exposition focusing on food security and food sovereignty. More than 600 people attended the event.

Garlic Events: DFI reduced the number of general community connection events hosted at the farm to focus on system improvements, grant commitments and related program development. DFI prioritized continuation of a July garlic harvest and braiding event that was popular in 2022, and participation in the Reno Garlic Festival (July 27, 2023). Twelve volunteers participated in the on-farm event, and organizers estimate that 5,000 people attended the Festival. Such events are great venues for promoting the work of DFI and the Ag Experiment Station.

External Educational Organizations:

Future Farmers of America (FFA) Floriculture Convention: DFI hosted an engaging Potting Up Competition during the FFA Floriculture Convention on March 21, 2023. Approximately 68 FFA students in teams of four participated in the event at the DFI greenhouse. Equipped with essential materials, teams potted up seedlings while DFI staff judged their knowledge and technique. Post-competition, DFI shared insights into its mission and opportunities, fostering connections with the next generation of agricultural enthusiasts.

International Delegations: The Northern Nevada International Center reached out to DFI in September to plan a climate-related agricultural tour for a delegation from higher education and research organizations in Egypt. The Ag Experiment Station, faculty researchers and DFI gave presentations and tours at the Valley Road Field Station on October 4, 2023 for a delegation of 6.  

The Mandela Fellows program reached out again in 2023 for a DFI farm tour. The tour in August focused on practices applicable to a farming operation in the Congo.

Farm Production


The DFI farm grew more than 10,600 pounds of produce (49 varieties) in 2023, with the top crops by weight being tomatoes, carrots, melon, kale, and eggplant. While total production was less than previous years, efficiency increased partially as a result of farming significantly less space. DFI grew 0.63 pounds of produce per square foot of bed space in 2023, an 11% increase from 2020 (the farm’s previous most productive year).

With an increased focus on tracking production labor, farm management was able to quantify the labor percentage (i.e. the percent of sales spent on labor) of DFI’s top-producing crops. From that data, DFI can estimate the production margin (i.e. the profitability when labor and non-faculty operating expenses are considered) and the net margin (i.e. profitability when all costs are considered). The target production margin for a farm DFI’s size is 25-50%. Various opinions exist as to the target net margin on a farm of DFI’s size, but it must be greater than 0% for a farm to be commercially viable. An estimated net margin of at least 10% is necessary to cover the cost of depreciating assets, and any additional margin is beneficial in that it allows for investment in capital improvements. The DFI is not meeting those targets yet, primarily due to the educational nature of the farm (new students, AmeriCorps service members and apprentices require constant training and cannot compare to a professional labor force). However, farming systems were greatly improved and partially automated in 2023 and this can move margins closer to commercial targets. See discussion of labor planning in Section 9 below (Team).  

Plant Propagation:

A total of 802 trays (approximately 85,000 plants) were seeded in the DFI nursery, including 490 trays for wholesale customers and DFI’s plant sale, and 312 trays for DFI’s production. Follow-through on wholesale orders suffered greatly in 2023 due to disease and pest pressure. DFI is raising funds to improve the nursery facility, equipment and systems before operation of the wholesale program can continue.


Formal Research:

Melon Variety Trial (GR12587, NDA Specialty Crop Block Grant): After the conclusion of this grant in September 2022, DFI collaborated with Dr. Felipe Barrios Masias and Dr. Heidi Kratsch to compile a peer-reviewed Extension paper and conference presentation related to the findings of this melon research. Dr. Barrios Masias presented the research at the American Society for Horticultural Science in Orlando in July 2023. Extension will release the publication in early 2024.  DFI’s crop research web page was updated to share key results in Spring 2023, and will include a link to the published paper when available.

Grafted Tomatoes: DFI hosted a grafted tomato and nitrogen fertilization trial at DFI for Dr. Felipe Barrios Masias and graduate student Maria Sole Bonarota. Two beds in hoop house 3 were planted and farm staff collaborated with the research team to manage the project and conduct treatments with organic fertilizers. Soil sampling was conducted at the beginning and end of the study, along with periodic measurements of plant performance and root growth. DFI sold harvested tomatoes in wholesale and retail markets.

Jessica Younger Dickens Memorial and Research Orchard: Working with project partners, DFI completed necessary grafting and replanting to continue establishing research trees. As of November 2023, survival in the orchard is 91%, as compared to 75% in 2022. DFI and Dr. Melinda Yerka continue to collaborate on grant evaluation and writing to raise funds for research to be conducted when the trees are mature. DFI hosted donor oriented orchard events in May and November 2023.

Anecdotal Research: 

Cover Cropping: The majority of DFI’s production space was cover cropped at least once this year. Variables that were adjusted were planting density, planting method (hand broadcast vs. machine-sown), seed mixture, timing of planting, and termination methods and time frames.

Vineyard Network: DFI continued to coordinate the establishment of a network of over 640 Riesling grapevines on 6 sites through the Nevada Grape Growers and Winemakers partnership. This includes 10 grapevines that were planted at DFI in spring 2023, all of which survived. Oversight of research is expected to be handed off to Extension faculty.

Irrigation Water Monitoring: Consistent weekly irrigation scheduling, coupled with TEND, and a portion of the farm on automated timers, made it possible to track DFI’s irrigation usage with a modest degree of certainty. DFI used 412,000 gallons of water for on-farm irrigation in 2023. Viewed another way, this is just under 39 gallons of water per pound of produce. This metric will be tracked each year going forward.

Grafted Tomatoes: For the second year, DFI grafted a portion of its production tomatoes. The ungrafted tomatoes appeared to be healthier and higher-producing than the grafted tomatoes, though a number of confounding factors – including different planting locations, virus and a later planting date for the grafted tomatoes – make it impossible to draw actionable conclusions from 2023.


DFI projects operate on a number of different fiscal years (farming season, State fiscal year, and grant cycles). A snap shot of annual cost and revenue status as of November 2023 shows the operating budget for DFI in 2023 at about $451,000. DFI farm revenue and external funding covered 67% and the Experiment Station funding covered about 33% of operating expenses.

DFI Farm Revenue:

DFI reports farm revenue based on the calendar year.  Revenue is related to farm production, including both produce sales and plant sales. DFI tracks revenue via Clover and QuickBooks’s accounts, and generates reports from those applications. Total farm revenue in 2023 was $59,000, an 8% decrease from 2022. This change is related to DFI’s focus on farmer training and food systems programming, as well as crop impacts associated with nursery production (discussed above), onboarding of a new Farm Production Manager and a reduction in the area farmed in 2023.

Produce Revenue: DFI establishes produce pricing based on market review (what other organic farms in the region are charging in wholesale and retail venues) as well as negotiation with wholesale buyers. As a university educational farm, DFI maintains pricing as high as possible so as not to compete with or displace other farms in the market. Produce pricing is evaluated and adjusted annually. Due to high inflation again in 2023, pricing was adjusted based on market observations throughout the year. Crops that brought in the most wholesale revenue included: tomatoes, baby lettuce, spinach, kales, chard, and carrots (in order of magnitude from most to least). Total revenue from produce in 2023 was about 84% of overall revenue. The DFI farm generated the highest yields per farmed square foot in its history in 2023. Advancements and efficiencies gained in farming systems this past year demonstrate significant potential for future years (see further discussion in Section 5 above).

Retail produce markets yielded about 33% of overall revenue. This percentage was consistent with 2022, but fell below 2021 and 2020. DFI ran vendor stands at three locations in 2023: Sparks United Methodist Church Farmers Market, Riverside Farmers Market, and Campus Farm Stand (spring 2023 only). The average return per market from retail produce sales ranged from $451 to $1,213, with Riverside Farmers Market generating about double the revenue than other markets. Markets lasted 2-5 hours each on regular week or weekend days.

Wholesale produce markets yielded about 51% of overall revenue. 2023 wholesale buyers in order of total sales from most to least were

  1. Farm to Food Pantry Program (Pack Provisions, TMCC food pantry, Community Health Alliance, Catholic Charities and Fallon Food Hub food security project),
  2. Great Basin Community Food Cooperative and
  3. Fallon Food Hub (nonprofit box delivery program and events). Delivery commitments to these buyers were met or exceeded on average.

DFI generated more than $24,000 in wholesale produce revenue through its farm to food pantry program – a 38% increase over 2022. This amounted to the majority of produce from the DFI farm in 2023, and more than 4 tons of fresh fruit and vegetables for pantries. These deliveries were all funded by donations or pantry organization funding. Weekly produce orders for the pantries range in value from about $250-$700 and include 10-20 cases of produce. Pack Provisions and TMCC paid for several months of orders in advance; CHA and Catholic Charities paid at the end of each month. These partnerships and funding sources were developed in 2020 and have been significantly expanded each year since. In addition, DFI continued to provide space for weekly produce storage and transfer in cooperation with the Fallon Food Hub. This collaboration enables distribution of more fresh produce to the region.

Plant Nursery Revenue: The nursery propagated fruit and vegetable plants for the DFI farm as well as other growers/customers. DFI increased plant pricing in 2023 to account for inflation. Total revenue from plants sales was 14% of overall revenue. This amounted to 42% less revenue compared to 2022 plant sales (see discussion in Section 5). About 68% of nursery sales were wholesale to preorder customers, and 32% were retail (seedling sales). DFI is still the only source of wholesale organic plant starts in northern Nevada and there is significant demand for this wholesale service. DFI will not run the service in 2024 to allow for facility and systems improvements, and will restart the program in 2025.

Grant Funding: 

DFI developed a decision matrix in 2023 to guide proposal efforts going forward. The intention is that it will focus fundraising strategies closely to the advancement of DFI’s mission and capacity. DFI brought in nearly double the amount of grant award funds in 2023 as compared to 2022, and is currently managing nearly $1 million in grant contracts. Sponsors include SNAP Education federal program, USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, Nevada Specialty Crop Block Grant Program, UNR Foundation, and California Certified Organic Farms (CCOF; USDA subaward). DFI grant projects that concluded in 2023 included NDA Specialty Crop Block Grant Melon Trial, NIFA New Beginning for Tribal Students (Food Sovereignty), and Beginner Farmer Rancher (General Farm Training).

CABNR and NAES Support:

The Nevada Agriculture Experiment Station (NAES) supported DFI with portions of 3 administrative faculty salaries, land and facilities, utilities, and shared equipment. In 2023 NAES also paid for new greenhouse benches as part of an effort to improve the plant nursery facility and systems, and started payment on match for the Nevada Farm Apprenticeship Program. The College also supports DFI with and marketing, administrative and human resources services.


Media coverage of DFI in 2023 included: UNR Giving Day Video featuring DFI farm - April 2023, and Apprenticeship program stories on/in KRNV NEWS 4 story - Summer 2023, Fallon paper - Summer 2023, Nevada Independent - Summer 2023. DFI was also featured in the Local Food Network farm calendar in December 2023, and the UNR Alumni Magazine – Announcement UNR Foundation grant award for internships in Spring 2023.

DFI was able to slightly increase its social media following and almost double engagement on some of the highest performing posts. Staff made 161 total posts on Facebook and Instagram, including 32 videos and 37 infographics. Social media data analysis will help shape a strategy to reach a broader age-range and geographic area. Engagement patterns indicated that better design and post coordination will be key. Avoiding impersonal posts, such as minimally designed infographics with little information, will improve DFI’s online presence. There is a lot of room for improvement as DFI was able to invest minimal time into social media in 2023. There was about 25% less interaction with the DFI web site in 2023 as compared to 2022 (as measured in page views). The most popular page by far was the Nevada Farm Apprenticeship Program – this is likely due to the focused outreach and press releases about it over the course of the year.  


DFI is completing 2023 with the longest serving faculty team yet. Altogether this team has dedicated over 12 years to the organization. Total faculty FTE in 2023 was 3.6 – the same as in 2022.

  • Director, Jill Moe (full FTE)
  • Education Program Coordinator, Anna Miller (.85 FTE)
  • Farm Production Manager, Garrett Menghini (full FTE)
  • Assistant Farm Manager, Claire Holden (half time when UNR is in session) (.75 FTE)

Three individual student employees were employed at DFI in 2023. DFI raised more funds for paid internship positions in 2023, and fewer crew members were funded by farm revenue and hired as student employees.

  • Ben Peters (Plant Science major)
  • Penelope Smerdon (Plant Science major)
  • Billi Parsons (Geography major and Environmental Studies minor)

Although DFI contracted with the Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation to host 1.5 full term AmeriCorps service members, DFI only filled approximately .75 of a full term. The AmeriCorps stipend level was very low in 2022 and 2023 (below a living wage for Reno) and it deterred people from serving. TMPF and DFI have increased the stipend level for the positions going forward. 2023 service members were:

  • Trishtin Lieu, .5 term (resigned early) – Plant Propagation Assistant
  • Anna Zoeters, reduced .5 term (completed term) – Food Systems Development Assistant

Over the past few years it has become clear that the farm team invests significant time in training anyone working at the farm (regardless if they are volunteers or paid), particularly if they will be handling produce. The work trade program was more limited and targeted in 2023 to better account for the time invested in training. Three work trade volunteers were screened and selected for engagement at DFI in 2023 for a total of approximately 45 hours from mid-May through July.

Appendix A. 2023 DFI Events List

  • DFI visit to Western States Hemp to discuss collaboration on soil health practices, transition to fruit and vegetable production, and Nevada crop promotion. (3 people) – Spring 2023
  • Biological Controls Expo Tour (50 people) – February 20 and 22, 2023
  • Tomato grafting workshop with Holley Family Farms (8 people) – March 3, 2023
  • Future Farmers of America Floriculture Convention with horticulture test held in DFI greenhouse (50 people) – March 21, 2023
  • Cesar Chavez Day of Service cohosted with the Center for Student Engagement on April 1, 2023 – 23 people
  • ‘Sip into Spring’ white wine tasting paired with a menu prepared by UNR Chef Matt Riesenthel with DFI presentation (50 people) – April 16, 2023
  • Nevada Farm Network: Climate Outlook for Small Producers (79 people) – April 21, 2023
  • Orchard Mulching Event at DFI (12 people) – May 13, 2023
  • CABNR Field Day with DFI produce stand, plant sale, student exposition, self-guided tours and wine tasting (600 people) – June 2, 2023
  • Food Safety Tour for Soulful Seeds board and farm staff (10 people) – June 22, 2023
  • Garlic Harvest and Braiding (12 people) – July 22, 2023
  • Reno Garlic Festival with DFI vendor booth (5,000 people) – July 27, 2023
  • Tribal Students Recruitment Camp including DFI presentation (40 students) – August 2, 2023
  • Tour for Tribal students from the Washoe County School District (12 students) – August 9, 2023
  • Farm tour for Mandela Fellows program (2 attendees) – August 15, 2023
  • Tour and harvest activity for NVFit nutrition students (8 students) –  August 23, 2023
  • Tour and tomato brix exercise for NVFit Students (100 students) – August 23, 2023  
  • Northern Nevada International Center delegation from Egypt (6 people): DFI presentation and tour – October 4, 2023  
  • Love Your Farmer Dinner – DFI presented on Nevada Farm Network and Apprenticeship Program (80 people) October 14, 2023
  • Tour for Pyramid Lake High School students (9 students) – October 25, 2023
  • Orchard Mulching Event at DFI (6 people) – November 3, 2023
  • Yubano Tuka Food Sovereignty Dinner hosted by DFI Food Sovereignty Intern (50 people) – November 10, 2022

Total engaged directly through DFI events: 6,130 people

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