The meeting was called to order by President, Rich Knight at 9:02 a.m. PST.

There was a quorum present. Those present in person and via interactive video were:

  • Joann Elston: UNR Presidential Appointee Representative
  • Heather Dye: UNR Presidential Appointee Representative
  • Melinda Sarman: Farm Bureau Representative
  • Luetta Mann: UNCE 4-H Professional Representative
  • Rich Knight: 4-H Volunteer Representative
  • Barbara Byington: Farm Bureau Representative
  • Anne Fagundes: 4-H Volunteer Representative
  • Sarah Chvilicek: UNCE 4-H Professional Representative
  • Will Douglas: UNCE 4-H Professional Representative
  • Sierra Montana: 4-H Volunteer Representative
  • Eric Olsen: Farm Bureau Representative

Ex-Official Members

Carrie Stark, UNCE State 4-H Director, Kenny Haack-Damon-UNCE 4-H Camp Educational Coordinator, Spencer Ray-UNCE 4-H Camp Facilities Manager, Ivory W. Lyles, UNCE Extension Director

Public Comment

No public comment

Review and Approval of Agenda

Sarah Chvilicek moved to approve the minutes with changes and Joann Elston seconded the motion. Motion passed

Review and approval of November 18, 2019 meeting minutes

Barbara Byington not a 4-H Professional Representative but a Farm Bureau Representative. Review titles of others present, they are correct. Moved by Joann Elston to approve the minutes, Barbara Byington seconded the motion. Motion carries.

Camp Financial Update

Carrie Stark has been sick and was not able to complete the camp financial report. She will complete and distribute by the end of the week.

Camp Facility Update - Spencer Ray

The power poles in the meadow have come down, the Beach Club completed rerouting the power now the meadow looks more natural. Hydroseeding took place a week ago with natural grass. Met with Patrick, the president of Beach Club last week and as a thank you for working with the power lines, they are going to make a donation of trees. Working also with a resident of Beach Club to secure their filtered view of the lake, it would be a significant donation of $180,000. Also spoke with Patrick at Beach Club regarding internet. Was told once they fill in their ponds and can build on them, that is when Beach Club will do the burying of utilities and provide conduit to the camp for new internet.

Concern was voiced regarding the homeowner and the donation of $180,000. Dr. Lyles communicated that this was a long way from being decided. There needs to be a contract and it is sitting with the University legal department.

The committee would like to review the plan.

Anticipating a much busier summer than last year. Working on a kitchen solution, waiting for response from outside food providers. Also interviewing cleaning companies for professional cleaning services. Chris Lascola is taking the lead on finding a cleaning company.

Deposits during peak season, June, July and August. 90 day cancellation policy for full refund. This causes difficulty during the peak season if someone cancels, it is hard to fill that spot. Spencer proposed forfeiting the deposit if cancelling within 30 days of signing the contract. Group would like a proposal written and presented at the next meeting. Kenny will review what other camps cancellation policies are. Rich would also like a stipulation for unforeseen circumstances such as the Angora Fire.

Luetta would like the current cancellation policy emailed out to the group. Spencer will send out the current policy and a suggestions for changing the policy prior to the next meeting. It should be added to the next meetings agenda for a vote.

Camp Programming Update – Kenny Haack-Damon

Not a lot to update since last meeting. Implementing the changes that were spoken about at the last meeting, now getting the scheduling and programming done.

Is the website updated so we know the available dates at the camp? When will that be available? Carrie to put that on her list. Spencer has a calendar and you can speak with him to get available dates. Kenny to send dates of camps to Rich Knight and Sierra Montana.

2021 Camp Fees – Carrie Stark

Everyone should have received a list of proposed camp fees for 2021. The fees have not been raised for at least 3 years. The only fees that have been raised significantly in the last 2 years are the for-profit when switched to the new structure. To keep up with the costs, the fees were raised $1 to for each one with the exception of the for-profit. This is just the lodging rates, this does not include food.
These fees need to be approved to being January of 2021.
Moved to approve fees by Sarah Chvilicek and Joann Elston seconded the motion. Motion carries.

4-H Camp Facility Master Plan Update – Carrie Stark

Dr. Lyle had a meeting with Provost’s Office, facilities and the development office and did get approval to move forward. Mitch Klaich and Carrie to collect a list of camp alumni for the development office. Carrie to send a formal email to counties to receive information on alumni. A copy of the master plan was requested. Carrie does have a link that she will send out. She is also going to get copies made.
Dr. Lyles -Approval to move forward with the fund development plan. This is going to be a 7 or 8 year plan, it’s not going to happen overnight. Dr. Lyles would like to schedule some time to speak with Barbara Byington because she knows the county very well.

Announcements and Other Business

No announcements or other business.

Public Comment:

No public comment

Set date of next meeting

Next meeting is April 16, 2020 at 9:00-11:00am via Interactive Video and Zoom.


Joann Elston moved to adjourn the meeting, Sarah Chvilicek seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned.

Mendibles, T 2020, Nevada State 4-H Camp Advisory Council - approved meeting minutes January 21, 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno

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