Robinson, M.L., Johnson, W.S., Post, R.L., and Carlos, W.J. 2004, A Guide to Desert Bioscape, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, SP-04-12


There’s no doubt about it. Successful garden and lawn care in Nevada requires special skills and knowledge. The Desert Bioscape program shows you how to create attractive and healthy yards by working with Nevada’s environment, rather than against it.

We hope this guide will help you through an evaluation of your yard and yard care practices. This can help to develop an environmentally sound and sustainable yard. The payoff is a yard that saves you money, meets your needs, enhances your neighborhood, adds to property values, improves your community’s forests, and helps protect Nevada’s natural beauty and natural resources.

This workbook will help you develop a sustainable yard. The ultimate goal is to become cities of the desert instead of just cities in the desert. The Horticulture staff and Master Gardener volunteers at your county’s Extension office can provide you with more information and answer questions. They can also tell you about additional services they may provide such as diagnostic tests, workshops, and on-site resources. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither is a Nevada yard. Take this adventure a step at a time and enjoy!

For the complete guide use the link below to download the PDF version of this special report.


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