
This report is intended to assist local, state, and federal agencies in better understanding the communities that we live in. Many of the counties in Nevada are small population, rural areas that do not have a large county government or their own economic development team. It can be a challenge for these counties to have in-depth quantitative analysis to use towards comprehensive planning strategies for the county and local communities.

The hope is that this report will be used by local, state, and federal agencies as a tool for future planning, aiming to assist the communities of Nevada. This and sister reports will not only lead readers to better understand their community’s social, demographic, economic, and environmental trends, but will also help model the impacts of population, economic, and industry change.


The purpose of this report is to provide and use data to showcase socioeconomic and other trends in a county in Nevada. This will give local decision makers—elected officials, educators, nonprofits—the ability to better understand their constituents’ needs.

Counties statewide and nationwide are constantly challenged to make decisions revolving around economic, demographic, and land issues. This crafted report is a tool to respond to those issues with quantitative backings that can help make a case for any decision big or small. These backings are rightfully called a “county baseline,” wherein data that covers all social, demographic, economic, and land measures is delivered in a kindly and easy-to-browse manner. This allows counties to utilize the report as they see fit, and best respond to any current issue with quantitative data.

In short, this report helps counties and communities better understand what makes up their counties and communities. Varying factors in an economic climate, like businesses opening and closing; population increasing or decreasing; and average household size growing and shrinking, all of these factors put pressure on government and businesses themselves to make decisions and react to change. Any possible measure or statistic that may go towards helping make a better decision is included in this report.

It is also important to note that this report is not a one-time attempt at trying to make a one-time change. This report represents a commitment to communities, to counties, to the state, and beyond. Being a data repository of key measures, meaningful for communities, counties, and officials, its purpose is to reach out and help fill those gaps in decision-making, so that everyone may benefit.

For the complete (146 pg) report use the link below.

Borden, B., Lednicky, J., Rebori, M., Schultz, B. 2020, Nevada Economic Assessment Project Socioeconomic Baseline Report for Humboldt County, Nevada, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, IP

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