Andrews, A. 2017, Content marketing for your green industry business, Landscape Nevada Magazine

Tech-savvy customers are online nearly 24/7, and they rely on online information when making purchasing decisions. To earn their business, be online too.

When you market your company online, you digitally put your name in front of consumers in your target audience as they check their email, spend time on social media or search for DIY project tips.

The more often consumers see your name, the more likely they are to go to you when they need something you sell. And then, post a review about you.

To attract connected customers and their positive reviews, post content they find interesting and useful to your website’s blog and share it with them through email and social media.

The green industry lends itself well to content development since it is ever-changing and photogenic.

There’s always a new plant or product to share, fun or interesting plant facts to post, a new employee to profile, a gorgeous job site at which to snap a selfie, or a happy customer to sing praises in a smartphone video.

The task does not have to fall squarely on you. Employees can help manage online accounts, and your employees, customers, vendors, suppliers and others can help with content.

Create a cycle of content in your store by sending employees home with a free product in exchange for a review and pictures. When they finish one, give them another. Through this cycle, your employees will be more informed about your products and more engaged with your company’s marketing efforts. And, you’ll get the content you need.

Remind employees to take photos as they work. A post about your crew helping one customer could reach others who face the same issue and need the same product or service from your company. Also, get help from your customers by creating in-store photo opportunities and holding online photo contests. Ask vendors and suppliers for marketing materials like articles, artwork and coupons.

Share, or curate, content by others, giving them credit when you do. For example, download University of Nevada Cooperative Extension factsheets to share from, giving credit with a link back. For every four curated posts you share, share one of your own original making.

Only about 10 percent of your posts should be sales-based. The rest should be inspirational, 60 percent, and educational, 40 percent. This way, you’ll not come on so strong that consumers disengage. Instead, you’ll influence consumers to act through the beauty of your inspirational posts and give them the skills to do so through your educational posts.

To build and maintain a good online reputation, every post, original or curated, sales-based, inspirational or educational, must be accurate. Consult your licensed and certified employees and your local Cooperative Extension office when in doubt.

If you develop quality online content for your tech-savvy consumers, you will create increased top of mind awareness with them, generating sales and positive reviews. Search engines like Google will pick up your content and reviews, further helping you market your business online.

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