What is Fun to Play for Preschoolers?
The Fun to Play for Preschoolers program encourages positive parent-child interaction and learning through creative play. Play is essential to healthy development. During engagement in social play interactions with their friends and families, children's language, social skills and problem solving abilities are developed.
The program also introduces parents (and promotes children's) school readiness skills. Research confirms that children's readiness for school is multi-faceted, encompassing the whole range of physical, social, emotional and cognitive skills that children need to thrive. Recent studies strongly support the belief that young children's learning before they enter formal education is an essential foundation for later school success.
After attending the program, 79% of parents showed understanding of several school readiness skills (math, science, social emotional development, etc.).
Some of our goals:
- Increase parents' awareness of the Nevada Pre-Kindergarten Standards.
- Help children practice school readiness skills through creative, hands-on play.
- Promote positive parent-child interaction.
What do we do?
- The parenting program includes parents and preschoolers and takes place once a week for eight weeks.
- During each weekly class families engage in a variety of hands-on, play and learning activities based on a pre-k standard.
- Families receive free materials and books to complete additional enrichment activities at home.
Fun to Play for Preschoolers is one of many parenting programs and workshops available for families with young children. For more information, visit Partners in Parenting's full website.