The Small Business Education Program aims to instruct small business owners about fundamental business concepts while providing access and direction to informational resources. Small business owners, at any stage of development, can benefit from educational opportunities and awareness of all business network resources. This is where the Small Business Education Program, with its workshops and relationships with Nevada business programs, steps in to act as a guide.

Upcoming Classes View a list of upcoming Small Business Education classes in English and Spanish.
Virtual Classroom View class listings 
Small Business Education Team Meet our team in the Small Business Education Program.
Business Resource Partners View our partners in our Small Business Education Program.
Podcasts Listen to the team discuss various small business topics that might be affecting your business.
Microphone and Headphones for a podcast
Southwest Regional Food Business Center

The Small Business Team now has a podcast
for small businesses.  Here are the newest episodes:

In English:

In Spanish:

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Whiteboard with lots of drawings concerning products

What is the Business Model Canvas | SBEP Startup Quick Tip

This is a brief introduction to understanding and setting up a Business Model Canvas, a planning and modeling tool that allows business organizations at all levels of development to visualize how they create, deliver and capture value.

Someone looking at the Business part of newspaper

An Introduction to the Business Model Canvas | SBEP Start-Up Class

This video introduces the Business Model Canvas, a planning and modeling tool that allows business organizations at all levels of development to visualize how they create, deliver and capture value.

Hand holding a credit card in front of a computer with Mike Bindrup

Starting an eCommerce Business | SBEP Startup Class

Take advantage of a massive opportunity to sell your products online. In this class, we will talk about ways to sell your products, product sourcing, shipping, and more.